Minggu, 14 Juni 2015

Adjective, Adverb, Relative clause, and Connectors

did you know sentences are used to convey meaning and describe an event the creator of the sentence? let's see i will to describe about function on the english sentence !

first we should know function the sentence, the sentence is used also as an interpretation of what the sentence will be delivered maker.

function or information in making sentences in English is needed to clarify the meaning of a sentence is made, so that sentences are made can be understood by the reader.

We have some function to complite the sentence like adjective, adverb, relative clause and connectors. They use at different function and depend situation to make the sentence understandable by reader or recipient message.

Adjective it’s conjungtion and have a function as to describe a noun. This clause is usually preceded by a relative pronoun or that direct to the person or thing spoken in a sentence, example : Who,Whom,Which, and Whose

Adjective sentence : The man who wearing the blue hat next to you is alex

Adverb it’s conjungtion which describes a verb, an adjective, complement, and other adverbs

Adverb sentence : Since he was lost his laptop, he didn’t get new laptop

Relative Clause
relative clause is a dependent clause that functions as an adjective and a noun or pronoun padamain explain clause of a complex sentence (a sentence consisting dariindependent clause and one or more dependent clause).

Position adjective clause (relative clause) always follow the noun or pronoun He explained. In the sentence, noun or pronoun that serves as a subject or object.Adjective clause begins with a word that is called a relative pronoun (who, Whom, that, which, Whose, etc) which serves to bridge the relationship with the noun or pronoun that He explained.

Relative clause sentence : The movie that he has watch is interesting.

Coordinate connector
Coordinate Connector consists of AND, BUT, OR, or SO. connector used in a sentence to connect two sentences sustainable.

Many sentences in English that consists of two clauses (clauses is a group of words which consist of at least one and one Verb Subject (predicate) .When there are two sentences in English, we have to combine it with the right. One way to combine the two kalusa is to use AND, BUT, oR, or SO.

Connector sentence : I always smile to the people but it’s not mean iam always happy.

thanks for reading hopefully this article usefully :)

Minggu, 10 Mei 2015

causative sentence

Causative sentence is a sentence we use when we appoint someone else to do something.

Causative Verb:
Verb used in Causative sentence is “have” and “get” it mean “tell” or “request” but at some word like “make”, “let”, “ask” and “tell” it can be used in causative verb. “Have” can be “had” because the sentence based assessmet and subject sentence.
Notes :
We use “let” to cocker up someone do something
In Active structure: S + let + agent + action verb (bare infinitive) + …
We use “Make” to force someone do something
In Active structure: S + (make-made) + agent + action verb (bare infinitive) + …

We have 2 type of causative sentence and we can use it depend on conditions :
1. Active causative :   we use active causative to appoint someone else to doing something or the subject place at beginning sentene to show the subject doing something and the speaker appoint to the second person

Example active causative “have/had”
We use “have” to desire someone do something,

In Active structure:
S + (have-had) + agent + action verb (bare infinitive) + object
Sentence :
  • I have my friend write my letter
  • The teacher has some student do excercise on the board
  • She had me come to her party yesterday
  • The teacher has our parent to come on graduation day

Example active causative ”get”
We use “Get” it’s kind like “have” but with different structure
In Active structure :
S + (get-got) + agent + action verb (to infinitive) + … 
Sentence :
  • I get a guy to bring the bag
  • He get’s the driver to stop a car
  • We got them to buy some fruits
  • I get you to like this book

2. Passive causative : we use passive causative to appoint to someone else doing something and the subject place at beginning sentene to show the subject doing something but  the speaker appoint to the third person
Example passive causative “have /had”
In passive structure :
S + (have-had) + object + action verb (V-3)
Sentence :
  • hey have the carperpenter to repair the funiture
  • Doni has ika to replay his message
  • I had the lamp truned off

Example passive causative “get/got”
In Passive structure :
S + (got) + object + action verb (V-3)
Sentence :
  • Sindi gets her homework done
  • We get our lunch prepared
  • The singer got her dress designed by designer


Senin, 04 Mei 2015

Review hasil kuliah umum Ekonomi syariah

Pada hari Senin 04 Mei 2015 SEF(Sharia Economic Forum) yaitu forum yang mewadahi mahasiswa Gunadarma untuk belajar lebih dalam dibidang syariah ekonomi mengadakan acara kuliah umum dengan pembicara Bp. Ronald Rulindo, Ph.D head of islamic finance and risk management  research of  Indonesia Deposit Islamic Corporatian tentunya bagi saya suatu pengalaman baru mengikuti kuliah umum dengan tema syariah menambah pengetahuan saya tentang dunia syariah saat ini saat saya simak dari awal hingga ahir berikut hasil review saya dari apa yang di bahas dalam kuliah umum yang saya ikuti:

Ekonomi syariah merupakan salah satu alternatif atau jalan keluar bagi perekonomian yang rumit ini kenapa ekonomi  syariah ? karena dalam ekonomi syariah tidak diperbolehkan riba sedangkan penghancur sistem ekonomi adalah riba.

Apa itu riba? Riba adalah bunga yang diberikan saat kita menabung atau berinvestasi tanpa akad dan kesepakatan kedua pihak. Karena riba nilai uang yang berlaku akan semakin turun nilai mata  uang 1 bisa menjadi 2 karena riba sehingga dalam  ekonomi terjadilah kemerosotan nilai dari mata uang, selain itu timbulah karakter malas berkerja para pemegang modal karena tanpa kerja mereka dapat uang lebih banyak.

Tujuan diadakannya ekonomi syariah adalah keadilan dan kesejahteraan ekonomi masyarakat sehingga tidak terjadi kesenjangan sosial seperti saat ini.

Perkembangan ekonomi syariah didunia mulai muncul dan berkembang pada tahun 1960-an diMesir pada awal perkebangannya ini berdirilah insitusi syariah yang bergerak dibidang keuangan bukan bank, namun karena polemik keadaan politik dan sosial di mesir lembaga syariah belum bisa menunjukan eksistensinya di dunia ekonomi sekitar tahun 1970-an barulah berdiri sebuah lembaga perbankan syariah di Mesir hal ini menunjukan walaupun tidak secara langsung dikenal lembaga keuangan syariah tetap memiliki progres dalam mengikuti perkembangan masyarakat.
Setelah Mesir Sistem syariah mulai berkembang masuk ke Dubai, kemudian memasuki Asia dengan tujuan negara berbasis syariah islam yaitu Malaysia dan kemudian barulah pada tahun 1999-an mulai masuk ke Indonesia yang ditandai dengan hadirnya bank Muamalat sebagai Bank Retail pertama di Asia yang berbasis syariah sekaligus pelopor bank syariah pertama di Indonesia. Walaupun awalnya menjadi market leader dalam perbankan syariah ternyata market share bank Muamalat bisa di rebut oleh Mandiri Syariah yang kalah start sebagai pelopor namun  market share Mandiri saat ini menjadi nomor 1 dibidang Bank Retail Perbankan Indonesia.

Perkembangan bank syariah di dunia ternyata berbeda-benda tergantung dengan wilayah, karakter serta kebutuhan dari masyarakat, seperti halnya yang berkembang di Indonesia perkembangan sistem keuangan syariah yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan karakter dari rakyat yang  memiliki kesenjangan sosial maka berkembanglah bank ritel dengan konsep syariah sedangkan untuk di timur tengah seperti Mesir dan Dubai lebih berkembang institusi keuangan investasi syariah, pasar modal syariah dan sebagainya karena di Mesir, Dubai memiliki karakteristik masyarakat yang memiliki kelebihan banyak modal sehingga institusi keuangan syariah yang berkembang disana pun berbeda dengan Indonesia.

Ada yang mengatakan ekonomi syraiah sama dengan ekonomi konvensional namun jika kita tela’ah lebih dalam perbedaan antara ekonomi konvensional dengan syariah adalah proses serta aturan yang sudah jelas tertulis dalam al-qur’an dan fiqih menunjukan perbedaan yang tidak kasat mata antar produk sejenis dalam ekonomi syariah dengan ekonomi konvensional. Namun karena prinsip syariah disesuaikan dengan gaya hidup yang liberal maka banyak yang beranggapan bahwa ekonomi syariah sama saja dengan ekonomi konvensional pada umumnya padahal kembali lagi jika kita melihat bagaimana aturan serta proses yang syar’i kita akan melihat perbedaan.

Penerapan syariah saat ini memang belum seutuhnya berjalan baik, namun dari mulai perkembangannya inilah usaha terbaik yang dilakukan oleh para ahli walaupun masih banyak yang harus diperhatikan dalam penerapannya seperti teknik, sistem serta spiritual sehingga tercapailah keadilan ekonomi masyarakat, perhatian terhadap kebutuhan masyarakat, dan bebas dari riba.

Jadi untuk memulai pemulihan ekonomi tentunya bisa dimulai hari ini dengan membantu bank dan lembaga keuangan syariah untuk berkembang menjadi lebih baik lagi.

Semoga artikel ini bisa menjadi inspirasi bagi masyarakat Indonesia untuk sadar akan bahaya riba dan ikut beperan sebagai pendukung gerakan perbaikan ekonomi lebih sehat tanpa riba

buat kalian mahasiswa Gunadarma yang tertarik dengan syariah SEF mengadakan banyak kegiatan seperti seminar, kuliah umum, kuliah intensif yang diadakan setiap bulannya untuk menambah wawasan kalian dibidang syariah :)

kalian  bisa liat berbagai kegiatan serta informasi tentang SEF di alamat berikut ini :)
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E-mail         : ksei.gunadarma@gmail.com

Selasa, 14 April 2015

Degree Comparison

Degree Comparison is a form of level comparison between two things or better in similar levels, more levels, or tiers most.

The Type of Degree Comparison :

1. The Positive degree (equivalent level)

Formula : not so/as +adjective/adverb+as same+noun+as 
Example :
  • -      My friend are as happy as i am
  • -      They walk as slowly as turteles
  • -      I know that tiny is not intelegent as her sister
  • -      The actor played not as interestingly as usual
  • -      Yohana is the same age as your brother

2. The Comparative degree (level)

Formula : adjective/adverb+-er+than
Example :
  • -      now the bussinessman is richer than before
  • -      the book i bought yesterday is cheaper than this one
  • -      You are more valuable than anything i have
  • -      the girls is more beautiful than i though
  • -      his brother is taller than his mother

3. The Superlative degree (the lowest level)

Formula: the+adjective/adverb+-es 
Example :
  • -      he is talles boy i have ever seen
  • -      You are the nice one i know
  • -      it was the most exiting experience of all
  • -      It’s the most moderen bulding in this town
  • -      They sing happily than before

Source : Nien., Metode Cling Bahasa Inggris Gak pake Mikir, Penerbit : Pusaka Widyatama, Yogyakarta


The Different of Adjective and Adverb

What the different between Adjective and Adverb, if we never know definition about Adjective and Adverb we  are never know where it’s defferent a both, so let’s we see from the definition

Adjective it’s conjungtion and have a function as to describe a noun. This clause is usually preceded by a relative pronoun or that direct to the person or thing spoken in a sentence, example : Who,Whom,Which, and Whose

Adverb it’s conjungtion which describes a verb, an adjective, complement, and other adverbs

The different between a both it’s :

Adjective a conjunction and have a function as to describe a noun or a relative pronoun or that direct to the person in a sentence

Adverb it’s conjunction and have a fungtion as to describe a verb. adverb have any type and we use for depend sentence and condition.

Let’s we seen example in a sentence :
Adjective : The man who wearing the read t-shirt behind you  is Tom

Who at the sentence it’s conjunction, that direct to the person wearing the read t-shirt and that is Tom

Adverb : Since she was ill, she didn’t attend the class

Since at the sentence it’s  conjunction, that is discribe the reason that person not attend the class. 

After we learn and read the definition about conjunction and adverb, did you understanding where the different between a both the conjunction? oke hopefully this article useful for people needed :) thanks for reading see you at the next article.

Source : Nien., Metode Cling Bahasa Inggris Gak pake Mikir, Penerbit : Pusaka Widyatama, yogyakarta